TDI-Brooks International, Inc. has now completed the geophysical and geotechnical phases for the Texas Colt Pipeline. The scope for the Offshore Pipeline route investigation was from the HDD/DP exit nearshore Freeport in approximately 20 feet WD to the proposed Offshore Platform at Block BA466 in approximately 110 feet WD. a distance of approx. 31 miles.
TDI-Brooks’ vessel, the R/V Brooks McCall, was deployed to complete phase one to perform the pipeline route geophysical (Hazard/Arch/Bathymetry) survey apx 5000ft from the shore line off Freeport, Texas to BA466 and GA465. TDI-Brooks vessel, the R/V Proteus, was deployed to complete phase two of the project which consisted of 6 & 9m piston cores, box cores and piston cores, JPC and gCPT.
The Brooks McCall has just completed a ‘heavy’ geotechnical project for LLOG at the King’s Quay development in the central GoM.The BMCC remains operational in the Gulf of Mexico and available for spot charters in the US GoM/East Coast/Caribbean out of its homeport of Freeport, TX. The BMCC’s primary market niche in the Gulf/US East Coast is geotechnical coring/CPT and survey acquisitions. The BMCC is available for pipeline hazard, cable route surveys, debris mapping, P-Cable, MBES, metocean, sand search, and environmental studies.
TDI Brooks maintains a state-of-the-art laboratory facility in College Station, Texas that provides high-quality analytical services and scientific interpretation. Our environmental, geochemical, and geotechnical laboratories are staffed with highly skilled scientists and chemists who have worked in partnership with federal and state agencies as well as the private energy and environmental industry for over 20 years.
Please let us know if you would like to schedule or discuss our services or charter any of our TDI-Brooks’ research vessels. Jim Brooks ( or Melissa Wood (