TDI-Brooks International, Inc.

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Geotechnical Services Offered

TDI-Brooks International offers a comprehensive suite of offshore geotechincal coring and analytical services. TDI-Brooks also works extensively with GeoScience Earth & Marine Services, Inc (GEMS). For further information contact Dr James M. Brooks or Dr. Roger Fay.

Piston and Jumbo Piston Coring

  • 3 and 4 inch diameter piston cores, with core lengths up to 60 Ft
  • Water Depths to 12,000 Ft (4,000m)
  • Portable Oceanographic winch and hydraulic power pack
  • Deployed from stern or side of our vessels
  • Pressure/depth triggered for safety
  • Adjustable Coring Pushweight with weights up to 4,500lb
  • USBL Positioned Sampling


Box Coring

  • 25 and 50cm square box cores, with up to 500lb of push weights
  • Water Depths to 12,000 Ft (4,000m)

    Additional sampling techniques:
  • Grab sampling, 3x2 ft dredging, Vibracoring

Research and Development

  • Freefall penetrometer (Deepsting II)
  • Seafloor CPT (Cone penetrometer testing)


Geotechnical Laboratory - Shore Based
  • Multi-sensor core logging (sonic velocity, porosity, density and water content)
  • Motorized miniature vane shear and remoulded vane shear
Standard index tests used in classifying soils:
  • Atterberg Limits
  • Water Content
  • Grain Size Analysis
  • Organic Content
  • Carbonate Content
  • Specific Gravity
  • Motorized miniature Vane Shear
  • Permeability
  • Thermal Conductivity

Our laboratory has performed the testing required for pipeline site survey studies and Salvage operations (the Ehime Maru).

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